Encontros de diálogos no pré-natal e o cuidado materno às intercorrências com o recém-nascido
Introduction: The promotion of child development is among the priorities of the
Health Agenda The prenatal period is considered as strategic for bond formation and
empowerment of women, and we can also tell your family. Direct the focus to the
child, the enhancement and empowerment of caregivers and family are essential for
building knowledge and thus promote child development. This study is linked to the
development of Dialogue Meetings (DM) among pregnant women and researchers
during the prenatal period, with a view to empowering women and families to face
common during the neonatal period. Objective: This study aims to analyze the
influence of ED in prenatally in maternal care experience to term newborn, with
special attention to health complications in the first month after the child's birth.
Methodology: This is an exploratory qualitative study, adopting as a theoretical
Symbolic Interactionism and the methodological framework to Bardin Content
Analysis. The results are derived from interviews with seven women. There is approval
of the study with an ethics committee under number 957814. Results: Results are
presented from two themes: "Breastfeeding and infant colic" and "care for the
newborn and maternity." The women report difficulties in breastfeeding, especially in
terms of grip and handling. In addition, experience the infant colic and limitations of
resolution, the need to take care of the umbilical stump, skin manifestations and flow /
milk regurgitamentos. All in a context immersed knowledge and popular beliefs.
Experience insecurities and fears, but are lived in the DM support for facing them.
Conclusion: The results indicate contributions of DM in the management of health
complications in children in their first month of life. This determines your statement as
a strategy for pre-natal practices in primary health care.