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dc.contributor.authorAcorinte, Ana Carolina
dc.identifier.citationACORINTE, Ana Carolina. Discursos dos usuários dependentes de substâncias psicoativas sobre sua imagem discursivamente construída. 2017. Dissertação (Mestrado em Enfermagem) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2017. Disponível em:*
dc.description.abstractThe constitution of the discourse of the drug user about his image, his place and position is determined by social and historical conditions, as well it can be filled by others previous discourses, crossed by the dominant senses of the biological, manicomial and moral pattern, which can appoint the image he has about himself and about his position as a position-subject. The purpose of this study was analyzing the discourse of the alcohol users and other drugs users in treatment in CAPD AD, it was about the image he has of himself as a subject addicted to psychoactive substances, the image of the other addicted people and the place and position conceived by him. In order to get this purpose, we are based on a methodological and theorical reference which would include the ideological processes and the imaginative formations that the alcohol and other drugs users have about themselves and about their disease. Thus, this theoretical reference was based on French Discourse Analysis, constructed upon the theory of Michel Pêcheux. It is a qualitative research, developed in CAPS AD in the city of São Carlos, São Paulo. Twelve psychoative substances users who are treated by the mental heathy service participated in this study. We used a half structured interview script for data collecting and a recorder to have the conversation saved. As a result, it emerged two discursive blocks: the images which the psychoactive substances user in treatment has about himself and the discourse of the society about this subject who is psychoactive substances addicted to. It was concluded that the ideological effect and the naturalization of some senses is the interpretation that the drug user is rejected and harassed because he is a deviant person and that the speech of this subject from an evocated ideology of his discursive memory is filled by de biomedical and moral pattern.eng
dc.description.abstractThe constitution of the discourse of the drug user about his image, his place and position is determined by social and historical conditions, as well it can be filled by others previous discourses, crossed by the dominant senses of the biological, manicomial and moral pattern, which can appoint the image he has about himself and about his position as a position-subject. The purpose of this study was analyzing the discourse of the alcohol users and other drugs users in treatment in CAPD AD, it was about the image he has of himself as a subject addicted to psychoactive substances, the image of the other addicted people and the place and position conceived by him. In order to get this purpose, we are based on a methodological and theorical reference which would include the ideological processes and the imaginative formations that the alcohol and other drugs users have about themselves and about their disease. Thus, this theoretical reference was based on French Discourse Analysis, constructed upon the theory of Michel Pêcheux. It is a qualitative research, developed in CAPS AD in the city of São Carlos, São Paulo. Twelve psychoative substances users who are treated by the mental heathy service participated in this study. We used a half structured interview script for data collecting and a recorder to have the conversation saved. As a result, it emerged two discursive blocks: the images which the psychoactive substances user in treatment has about himself and the discourse of the society about this subject who is psychoactive substances addicted to. It was concluded that the ideological effect and the naturalization of some senses is the interpretation that the drug user is rejected and harassed because he is a deviant person and that the speech of this subject from an evocated ideology of his discursive memory is filled by de biomedical and moral pattern.por
dc.description.sponsorshipNão recebi financiamentopor
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlospor
dc.rights.uriAcesso abertopor
dc.subjectTranstornos relacionados ao uso de substânciaspor
dc.subjectSaúde mentalpor
dc.subjectUsuários de drogaspor
dc.subjectSubstance-related disorderseng
dc.subjectMental healtheng
dc.subjectDrug userseng
dc.titleDiscursos dos usuários dependentes de substâncias psicoativas sobre sua imagem discursivamente construídapor
dc.title.alternativeDiscourses of the psychoative substances users about their image discursively constructedeng
dc.title.alternativeDiscursos de los adictos a sustancias psicoativas sobre su imagen discursivamente construidaspa
dc.contributor.advisor1Zerbetto, Sonia Regina
dc.description.resumoA constituição do discurso do usuário de drogas sobre sua imagem e seu lugar e posição está determinada por condições sócio históricas, bem como pode estar permeada por outros discursos anteriores, atravessados pelos sentidos dominantes do modelo biológico, manicomial e moral, que podem designar a imagem que ele tem de si mesmo e de sua posição-sujeito. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o discurso do usuário de álcool e outras drogas em tratamento no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e drogas (CAPS AD) de um município do interior paulista sobre a imagem que ele tem de si mesmo, enquanto sujeito dependente de substâncias psicoativas, dos outros dependentes e do lugar e posição social assumida por ele. Para alcançar os objetivos deste estudo, pensou-se em um referencial teórico- metodológico que abrangesse os processos ideológicos e as formações imaginárias que os usuários de álcool e outras drogas têm sobre si e sobre a doença. Portanto, como referencial teórico e metodológico utilizou-se da Análise de Discurso (AD) de matriz francesa, baseada nos constructos teóricos de Michel Pêcheux. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, realizada no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e drogas do município de São Carlos - São Paulo. Participaram do estudo doze usuários de substâncias psicoativas desse serviço de saúde mental. Utilizou-se de um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada para a coleta de dados e com o recurso de gravador todas as entrevistas foram gravadas. Como resultados emergiram dois blocos discursivos: 1) As imagens que o dependente de substâncias psicoativas em tratamento tem de si e do dependente químico:predominou imagem negativa, maléfica e diabólica, reforçando discurso Cristão. A memória discursiva esteve relacionada ao paradigma biológico e moral. 2) O discurso da sociedade sobre o sujeito dependente de substâncias psicoativas: os entrevistados perceberam discurso pejorativo, preconceituoso e de segregação social. Concluí-se que o efeito ideológico e a naturalização de alguns sentidos produziram a interpretação que o usuário de drogas é rejeitado e marginalizado por ser um desviante e que o sujeito, e sua fala a partir da ideologia, evocada de sua memória discursiva, é permeada pelo modelo moral e biomédico.por
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem - PPGEnfpor
dc.publisher.addressCâmpus São Carlospor

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