Redes de cooperação entre EBTs do setor médico-hospitalar da região de São Carlos, Araraquara e Ribeirão Preto.
Technology based firms (TBFs) and technology innovation process studies
attract several fields of research. According to social networks concepts, the activities
of organizations are affected by the relationship between them. This research aims to
verify the existence of cooperation networks towards product innovation between TBFs
in São Carlos, Araraquara and Ribeirão Preto from the medical and dental device
industry and characterize their strength. In that sense, a study of the social network
theory and its main concepts, TBFs and industry characteristics is carried out. The
development of a methodology and analysis takes place. Variables such as strength of
ties and network structure are considered in the analysis. Among the different actors in
different networks, those with high centrality measure and importance are distinguished.
Results show that cooperation ventures between TBFs are few, instead, many relations
with universities and research institutes towards product development are present.
Weak and strong ties can be found in this environment. Important actors that influence
TBFs and the product development and innovation are market fairs, standardization
agencies, trade associations and universities.