O gênero fórum de discussão online na formação continuada de orientadores de estudos do PNAIC : caracterização e potencialidades
This research aims to investigate in what way the course of continuing education, and more
specifically, the discussion in foruns gender conducted online and offered by the National Pact
for Literacy in the Age One (PNAIC) / UFSCar contributes to building and reflection of
teaching knowledge and literacy of Study advisors (OEs). The function of these advisors is to
form literacy teachers for PNAIC, a project that aims to ensure that all children are fully literate
by eight. The development of the research took place within the Distance Learning (EaD) in
order to discuss about the interactions that occur in the forums offered in the Moodle platform
for Advisors´ study. From this ample goal, the research questions were formulated, which
consist of: a) How does the discussion forum that environment?; b) How the gender forum
provides interaction, and construction of teaching knowledge ?; c) How do the training course
and the forum contribute to the digital literacy? The research is guided by theoretical
contributions focused on the discursive genre (BAKHTIN,1997; MARCUSCHI, 2002, 2008,
2010), the dialogism (BAKHTIN,1992; 2006), literacy (KLEIMAN, 2005; STREET, 2007;
SOARES, 2000) and digital literacy (BUZATO, 2001, 2006; RIBEIRO, 2009; XAVIER,
2007). The research methodology is qualitative and the methodological procedures used include
questionnaire analysis, and participant observation. The results suggest that the forum gender
causes and encourages interaction between OEs; and apparently it allows for reflection and
construction of teaching knowledge; Furthermore the course and the forum contribute to digital
literacy, as it implies learning new ways of reading and writing mediated by technological tools,
and provides the knowledge / learning of the virtual tool uses, for example, posts of activities
and messages.