• Estudo da prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns via métodos de classificação 

      Martinez, Giulia Molina (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 16/02/2024)
      The present undergraduate thesis focuses on the study of the association between specific variables and the diagnosis of common mental disorders. To achieve this goal, we examined classification methods, namely decision ...
    • O stress no trabalho do docente da Pós-Graduação 

      Díaz Dextre, Katia Miluska (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGE, Câmpus São Carlos, 27/09/2021)
      The general objetive was to investigate psychodynamics of stress and possible implications for the health and subjetivity of professors in a Graduate Program at renowned public university. We started the hypothesis and the ...