• O traçado das redes: etnografia dos grafiteiros e a sociabilidade na metrópole 

      Ferreira, Lucas Tavares (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais - PPGCSo, , 21/02/2006)
      This dissertation presents a panorama of the graffiti s universe in São Paulo, analyzing the sociability between these street writers, know as grafiteiros , such as between these and other agents that are, some ...
    • Arte na metrópole: um estudo sobre o graffiti na cidade de São Paulo 

      Silva, Cynthia Rafael da (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 10/12/2011)
      The objective of this work is to present the evolution of graffiti in the city of São Paulo as a form of expression of contemporary urban art, also endowed with institutional value. Analyzing the scenery of the metropolises ...
    • Principais desafios para a mulher artista do graffiti 

      Siqueira, Deisy Daniela Santos (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 30/06/2020)
      The present work arose from the need to understand the challenges faced by graffiti artist who is a woman. Understanding graffiti as one of the four elements that configure Hip-Hop and a field of artistic performance and ...