• Cannabis e turismo: contexto e um breve panorama 

      Paiva, Raul Pontes (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 20/09/2022)
      The recent changes in drug legislation in different countries and states, especially in relation to marijuana, motivated the interest in investigating the tourist flows resulting from these novelties. Before verifying the ...
    • Alergias e intolerâncias alimentares: comportamento e perfil dos consumidores - uma revisão bibliográfica 

      Lisboa Ferrari, Beatriz; Meira, Kelly Cristina; Pádua Soares, Maysa (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Lagoa do Sino, 07/04/2022)
      In recent years, with industrialization, the food sector has been transforming and accompanying changes in society. Such changes are related to consumer health, which has been developing some types of food intolerances and ...