Browsing TCC by CNPq Subject "ENGENHARIAS"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Produção de recurso de Tecnologia Assistiva em laboratório público de fabricação digital
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 21/03/2023)3D printing technology has been shown to be one of the most promising in the field of assistive technology. However, it is still not widely used by the general population due to difficulties in accessing equipment and a ... -
Saúde mental na percepção de engenheiros de produção recém-formados: desafios no mercado de trabalho
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 21/03/2023)Concern about mental health has been growing by the part of companies and society due to the increase in diagnoses of work-related mental disorders. The present research sought to evaluate and understand the mental health ... -
Produto assistivo para pessoas com deficiência visual: projeto de diferenciador de cédulas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 23/03/2023)Assistive Technology (AT) is defined as being an area of knowledge, of interdisciplinary characteristics, which includes products, resources, methodologies, strategies, practices, and services that aim to promote the ... -
Novos impactos na carga de trabalho na modalidade remota: estudo de caso em empresas do setor de serviços
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 20/04/2022)Ergonomics is one of the most relevant subjects in the study of the sphere of work, with the potential to raise awareness and create increasingly sustainable ways of working for the future, especially in times of crisis ... -
Percepção dos trabalhadores sobre o trabalho presencial e o home office: Estudo de caso em uma empresa de adquirência
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 20/09/2022)Although the telecommuting or home office modality already exists, with the Coronavirus pandemic, the practice of working outside the offices has intensified. With the end of the isolation caused by the new virus and the ... -
Como as ações vinculadas ao bem-estar do trabalhador afetam sua satisfação
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 20/09/2022)Remuneration is one of the reasons why workers join certain companies. Even though the salary is a legal obligation, there are companies that opt for other alternatives besides a remuneration that end up retaining their ... -
Dimensionamento e estudo da viabilidade de implementação de painéis solares fotovoltaicos no campus da Universidade Federal de São Carlos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 02/06/2020)Of the different sources of energy used by man, those from non-renewable resources, mainly associated with the use of fossil fuel, are still widely explored. In view of this fact, there is an increasing concern with the ... -
A dinâmica de trabalho em ambientes de coworking: estudo multicaso em empresas do município de São Paulo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 14/12/2020)Coworkings are characterized by being flexible, innovative, collaborative and low-cost workspaces, attracting mostly startups, freelancers and entrepreneurs. This environment is made up of professionals from the most diverse ... -
Estudo sobre transtornos mentais e seus riscos para discentes no âmbito do ensino superior
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 22/06/2021)Inside the university, there are many uncertainties and demands in students' daily lives, so attention and care for students' mental health become essential to form and prepare professionals for the needs of the labor ... -
Trabalho de inovação financeira em fintechs: percepção dos trabalhadores em uma startup de São Paulo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 24/06/2021)With the technological revolution at the end of the 20th century, behavioral changes occurred in contemporary society, which also impacted labor relations in companies. The objective was to assess the perception of workers ... -
Comparação entre teletrabalho e trabalho presencial: percepção de trabalhadores de empresas do ramo de serviços
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 22/06/2021)The advancement of technology has helped to make work more flexible, promoting structural changes in the way it has been performed. In this context, teleworking or home office is emerging as a strong global trend, expanding ... -
Produto assistivo para crianças com deficiência visual: estudo de caso do projeto de um jogo de tabuleiro
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 19/11/2021)Games are playful means of developing skills and can contribute to the cognitive, motor and social field of children, including those with some type and degree of visual impairment. The aim of this article is to validate ... -
Percepção dos estudantes de engenharia de produção de uma universidade pública quanto a prática do estágio em home office durante o contexto da pandemia de COVID-19
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 16/11/2021)In the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, with social distancing and the consequent need to adapt to this new global configuration, a lot of changes were observed in the fields of work and study. The distance services emerged, ... -
Prós e contras das inteligências artificiais no trabalho: desafios e oportunidades em uma empresa de marketing digital
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Sorocaba, 09/09/2024)Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has been studied for several decades and has intensified especially in recent years, due to its rise and contribution to the transformation of several sectors, including the field ...