• Um estudo sobre o uso de módulos core em testes automatizados de aplicações Node.js 

      Oliveira Filho, Julio Cesar dos Santos (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 01/02/2024)
      With the continuous advancement of web applications, understanding their behaviors and key operations is indispensable for improving the technologies used. This study focuses on the analysis of asynchronous functions in ...
    • Um estudo sobre testes Flaky em projetos Python 

      Tararam, Gabriel Mari (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 06/09/2024)
      Understanding the behavior of automated tests is crucial for improving software development practices. This study focuses on investigating the incidence of flaky tests in Python projects. The research involved analyzing ...