Now showing items 1-10 of 244
Construção de metodologia para avaliação do uso de informação geográfica na gestão pública municipal
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-04-26)
In an urban context, many technological advances in areas such as remote sensing, computation, and information technology have enabled the gathering of a massive quantity of geographic data, which contributes to the decision ...
Avaliação de iniciativas para gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos nos municípios integrantes do Consórcio Intermunicipal do Oeste Paulista (CIRSOP)
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-03-24)
The increase in the population's consumption rates, domestic activities and sweeping and public cleaning services results in the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW). When disposed of inadequately, they generate ...
Análise de oportunidades e desafios da gestão de resíduos sólidos no município de Simão Dias (SE)
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-03-16)
In Brazil, total access to basic sanitation is a challenge, where the rates of care and deficit vary according to the income, region, and isolation of the areas and size of the municipality. The absence of adequate management ...
Método simplificado para cálculo e avaliação do uso combinado de técnicas compensatórias no manejo de águas pluviais em escala de loteamento
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-09-20)
The increase in impacts resulting from soil sealing and the inefficiency of conventional urban drainage systems has been emphasizing with greater magnitude, the need to rethink the conventional urban planning implemented ...
Síntese de escopo de pesquisas que integram BIM e GIS aplicadas a infraestrutura urbana
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-11-21)
The term GIS (Geographic Information System) comes from the English GIS (Geographic Information System). Urban infrastructure processes use digital mechanisms and platforms that collect and map and distribute information ...
Avaliação da ciclabilidade das cidades brasileiras
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2014-07-02)
The growing number of cyclists pedaling in Brazilian cities demand an effort of local governments to develop actions to make their cities more bicycle friendly. However, these actions have been carried out without a plan ...
Análise fundiária e ambiental do portal terra da saudade no município de Matão – SP à luz da desconstrução espacial
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-09-08)
The analysis of spatial transformations passing a priori by deconstructing something. Despite the negative prefix deconstruction is far from a bad thing, above all, it is needed. Deconstruction varies from minimum to ...
Produção de periferias urbanas em cidades médias paulistas: o caso de São Carlos e São José do Rio Preto
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-05-13)
This paper aims at developing a better understanding of what has set up the new role of the medium-size cities in Sao Paulo in their urban network as well as how their forms of expansion have contributed to the continuity ...
Desconstrução espacial e produção da área central na cidade de São Paulo : o exemplo da Rua Paim, Bela Vista
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-04-16)
The data released by 2010 Census (IBGE) demonstrated a reversal in the migratory flux in the central area of São Paulo-SP. After decades of decrease in population, neglect and lack of investments, the center of the city ...
Sustentabilidade territorial urbana : uma análise conceitual
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-10-28)
The emergence of the term "sustainability" practiced in the world from the 80 end has been replaced by an extensive design, based on the appropriation and politicization that academically involved in the maturation studies ...