Descoberta de preços e especulação no mercado de milho brasileiro
University of São Carlos, Sorocaba, 2018.
Since the 2000s, several changes occurred in the Brazilian and international corn markets. In
Brazil, due primarily to the increasing importance of the winter crop, the central-west region
became the main corn producer in the country, overcoming the South, the main summer crop
producer. On the international market, the increase in demand for the commodity - mainly in
the Chinese and U.S. markets - also changed the behavior of prices worldwide. Based on all the
aforementioned changes, we analyzed prices relationships in the corn spot and futures markets
in the south and central-west regions of Brazil, between 2004 and 2016. We used various price
discovery measures to find that Brazilian corn futures market leads the price information in the
country. Our analysis for the spot market indicates that the South, represented by the production
region of Cascavel, shows the highest share of price information, and therefore can be considered
the primary reference in the price discovery process. However, we found that this result was
not consistent, as the region of Rio Verde in the Center-West was the benchmark in the price
discovery process during the period when summer crop production was higher than winter crop
production (prior to 2011). We analyzed short-term price relationships using the Generalized
Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller (GSADF) test to identify periods of speculative bubbles.
Our results indicated the occurrence of several explosive episodes in all markets. In most cases
such episodes were short-lived (lasting less than seven days), with differing characteristics, and
had periods of both positive and negative bubbles. In addition, we identified periods when
bubbles occurred simultaneously in all markets. This result indicates that there may also be a
relationship between regional price volatilities. We expect that our results can be useful for those
looking for references in price formation, and for improving commodity trading strategies in the
cash market. In addition, once a bubble period is identified, traders can possibly use our results
to build their expectations regarding the duration of bubbles and the average price variation
(increase and decrease) within a bubble period.