• Long and short por cointegração aplicado ao mercado acionário brasileiro 

      Cardoso, Clézio Lopes (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 06/09/2023)
      In this article, we conduct a detailed analysis of the long and short investment strategy with cointegration in the Brazilian stock market. We explore the correlation between pairs of stocks and propose a trading approach ...
    • Análise e previsão de séries temporais via Facebook Prophet 

      Borges, Mateus Penteado (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 29/01/2024)
      Forecasting is an estimate or projection of what may happen in the future based on information and data available from the past and present. In other words, it is an attempt to make an informed guess about what is likely ...
    • Um estudo sobre os impactos de algumas medidas sanitárias na incidência e mortalidade por COVID-19 

      Paiuta, Rhayani Aparecida (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 07/04/2022)
      Since March 2020, Brazil, like the whole world, has been facing a major pandemic caused by COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 is a highly transmissible respiratory infection and for this reason governments around the world ...
    • Estudo e comparação das técnicas de validação cruzada desenvolvidas para séries temporais 

      Simionato, Daniel (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 18/04/2022)
      Testing the generalization capacity of an algorithm obtained is crucial for any prediction methodology, for which cross-validation methods were developed. However, when dealing with data that have dependency among observations, ...
    • Um estudo sobre a provisão de consórcio com séries temporais e machine learning 

      Lima, Thais Maíra Gonçalves de (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 07/04/2022)
      The consortium sector of a particular company works by dividing its customers into groups that start and finish at the same time the payment of installments of a combined amount to obtain their own vehicle. The acquisition ...
    • Inferência da conectividade neuronal e o modelo de Galves e Löcherbach 

      Schiavone, Vitor Gomes (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 16/09/2022)
      One of the most important issues in neuroscience is to understand the dynamics of animal behavior, that is, the joint action of large numbers of neurons, body parts, and the environment. The relationship between this ...
    • Inferência da conectividade neuronal via estimação de medidas da teoria da informação 

      Girardi, Victor Augusto (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 08/06/2021)
      Information theory studies how communication systems integrate, encode, compute, and transmit information. The neural system is an example where communication takes place with neurons responding to stimuli and conducting ...
    • Uso de cadeias de Markov para identificar atribuições em mídias digitais 

      Carvalho, Raquel Malheiro de (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 15/09/2022)
      With the advancement of digital marketing and the rise of new paid media channels for running campaigns and ads aimed at selling products, many advertisers question the use of media that do not directly lead to conversions, ...
    • Avaliação do poder de testes de raíz unitária em séries temporais AR(1) de diferentes comprimentos 

      Sousa, Thiago Reis de (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 09/09/2024)
      The study of time series is essential in various fields, such as economics and social sciences, as it aids in understanding and predicting phenomena over time. A crucial aspect is the stationarity of the series, which can ...