Efeitos do inseticida organofosforado metil paration (Folisuper 600 BR) sobre biomarcadores do estresse oxidante no teleósteo de água doce matrinxã Brycon cephalus (GUNTER, 1869)
Methyl parathion (MP) is an organophosphorus insecticide worldwide used in agriculture and
aquaculture due to its high activity against a broad spectrum of insect pests. It is employed
as pesticide in agriculture and in food storage shelters, as well as in fish culture tanks to kill
aquatic larval stages of insects. The effect of exposure to 2 ppm of a commercial formulation
of MP (Folisuper 600 BR, methyl paration 600 g.L-1) on catalase (CAT), glutathione
peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione S-transferase (GST), reduced
glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) of the liver, white muscle, gills, erythrocytes
and plasma of the freshwater fish matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, was evaluated after 96 h of
treatment. MP exposure resulted in a significant induction of SOD and CAT activity in all
tissues, except in plasma, when compared with controls. However, the GPx activity
decreased significantly in the white muscle and gills, whereas no alterations were observed
in hepatic, plasma and erythrocyte GPx activity. MP also induced a significant increase in
GST activity in all tissues and a concurrent decrease in blood and tissue GSH levels. In
addition, LPO values in the white muscle, gills and plasma increased significantly after MP
exposure whereas hepatic and erythrocyte LPO levels did not show any significant alteration.
The current data suggest that MP has oxidative-stress-inducing potential in B. cephalus, and
that the gills and white muscle are the most sensitive organs with poor antioxidant potentials.
The parameters studied in this investigation can also be used as biomarkers of exposure to
MP. The antioxidant effect of selenium (Se) in reducing the MP-induced oxidative stress in
this experimental model was evaluated in fish fed during 60 days, before exposure to 2 ppm
of MP, with diets containing 1.5 mg Se.Kg-1 ration (group MP 1,5Se) or Se-free ration (group
MP 0Se). Group MP 0Se exhibited, in all tissues, the same response presented by fish of the
first experimental protocol, fed with commercial ration (group MP 0,22Se). Selenium
supplementation reversed this trend. Significant increases in LPO levels and concurrent
decreases in GPx activity in gills and white muscle were not observed in group MP 1,5Se.
Similarly, decreases in GSH levels were not observed in any tissue of this experimental
group. In addition, erythrocyte and plasma GPx activity also increased significantly in group
MP 1,5Se, with a concomitant reduction and/or maintenance of LPO levels. These results
suggest that dietary Se supplementation may protect cells against MP-induced oxidative
stress, preventing increases in LPO levels and decreases in GSH content and GPx activity in
B. cephalus tissues. According to these data Se supplementation is important to counteract
the oxidative damage induced by MP in B. cephalus.