Indicadores ambientais de Sistemas Agroflorestais: um estudo de caso do Projeto de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável (PDRS)
The soil is considered a living organism, the Agroforestry Systems are considered more sustainable production systems for the generation of food, inputs and conservation of forests and biodiversity. This study aimed to evaluate the infiltration rate, soil cover and leaf damage in Agroforestry Systems as a function of the rain seasonality. The study was conducted, in a complex, biodiverse and successional Agroforestry Systems with occasional cultural treatment and in a simple Agroforestry Systems, with cultural treatment performed periodically. In both cases, the monitoring of the infiltration rate was also carried out in control plots. The rate of water infiltration in the soil was obtained by the container method. A comparison was made between the campaigns between the rainy season and the dry season. The ground cover was verified using the 1m2 quadrant method. Leaf damage was assessed visually from two leaves collected from each of the faces (N, S, E, W) in the middle third of the individual of shrub / tree size. ANOVAs of the indicators were performed, when this was significant, the Student test was performed. TI increased by 63% in Agroforestry Systems 1 and 3% in Agroforestry Systems 2 , when compared to witness averages. In both areas, the average soil coverage was less than 50%, but it influenced the IT. Both Agroforestry Systems showed some level of leaf damage, which was positively influenced by soil cover. It was concluded that the studied Agroforestry Systems present improvements in the pre-established indicators
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