Panorama de expansão de geração de energia através de painéis fotovoltaicos
Starting with a brief explanation about the excitation of electrons in valence and conduction
band when a pn junction of a silicon crystal semiconductor with impurities is enlightened,
which its working state in reverse bias is similar to the one of a diode, the theory that allows
the usage of solar modules to create tension and current was developed, as well as the
maximum power point under work. Following in an technical and objective manner, a small
sized installation project for households was designed under few simple premises and that
were able to supply the average residential consumption for any of the country’s geographic
areas so that it allows to determine where would happen the minor and major impacts of such
installation of a decentralized generating power unit regardless of its proportions. Through
official government ministry’s data, future value expectancy information was extracted, from
both electrical bills and consumption. It let testing and project’s validation that it was capable
of providing sufficient electrical power to the average residential consumption even though
there is variability in the solar radiation on the territory. North and Northeast regions had the
highest and lowest relative raises in the bills’ prices (before taxes) until the suggested mark at
the year of 2028. With the targets for a full analysis completely defined, economic viability
indicators for both were observed, such as internal return rate and discounted payback time
for a minimum attractive rate of return based on the review of a wind project (Macedo,
Albuquerque e Moralles, 2015). The North hit an internal rate of return of 12,83% with a
discounted payback time of 9 years and 8 months for an amount of produced energy able to
supply for over two average households in the region. However, in the Northeast, the internal
rate of return was 7,01% and the time it took to pay the invested capital was 13 years and 1
month, nonetheless it was capable to supply around three houses with an average
consumption that was found. Lastly, the environment is conducive to sustain the growth rate
seen in the literature review by many reasons that aren’t all related to an strategical
economical decision and this mood could be backed up by certain political choices
highlighted in this and other researches on the Brazilian energy matrix.
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