Previsão de MP10 através de redes neurais: estudos de caso no Estado de São Paulo
Air pollution is an ever-present and increasingly worrying health problem.
and well-being of the population, in particular, the Mp10 particulate matter has become a target
of studies because of the problems that their exposure in large amounts or prolonged time
can generate in public health. To monitor in order to control and understand more about
origins and behavior, a multilayer neural network of
Perceptrons (MLP) with two layers of 40 neurons and 4 analysis parameters to
predict the concentration of the pollutant particulate matter (PM). This configuration was used
in order to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the data. The four chosen parameters are
related to meteorology, as they have a strong influence on the dispersion of pollutants, being
these: atmospheric pressure, wind speed, relative humidity and temperature
environment. The neural network was trained from the PM data between January 1, 2017
until January 1, 2022, where the program used data from previous days as a basis
to predict the values of the following days.
The regions of Parque Dom Pedro II, Guarulhos, Santos and Jaú were analyzed with data
of the air quality stations collected by the Environmental Company of the State of São
Paulo (CETESB), available through the QUALAR platform. from the results
generated, an average percentage error between the values provided and the values
predicted by the neural network of, respectively, 30.93%, 27.77%, 25.12% and 24.69% for
the MP10, demonstrating results consistent and close to the real value, with a greater
precision for less populated areas, as there are fewer human interactions affecting the
concentration of particulate matter. The same procedure was performed for MP2.5
in the regions of Parque Dom Pedro II and Guarulhos, obtaining different results and not
very conclusive, however, equally accurate in relation to the average percentage error of
30.66% and 32.94% respectively, showing that MP2.5 does not have much relationship with
meteorological data as well as the MP10. In general, the results obtained were satisfactory
for the precision and the information about the neural networks and the action cycles of the PM,
showing that MLPs are reliable in predicting MP values in general for values
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