Glycos – Sistema IoT de monitoramento de glicemia e auxílio à prevenção e ao tratamento da Diabetes Mellitus
Around 16.8 million according to the research done by the Internation Diabetes Federation.
With this meaningful number in mid and utilizing concepts of Internet of Things (IoT)
a device capable of measuring capillary blood glucose was created to assist with the
treatment and self-care of people with DM or in states of pre-diabetes. The device also
known as a glucometer also has the capability to connect itself to the internet though
an integrated Wi-Fi module, which means that all measures are directly sent to a cloud
server where the data can be kept in a database. The data consists not only of the blood
sugar but also questions like "Have you been practicing physical exercise?" or "Are you
taking the medicine correctly?" which allow an Artificial Intelligence technique to take
place known as fuzzy logic. This technique is capable of predicting the glycemic levels
based on past measures and the answers to the other questions, thus being able to say if
there are chances of it raising, lowering or stabilizing. After the data treatment, the user
along with their doctor and family members will have access to all the information though
a Progressive Web App (PWA) that runs natively in the browser of any smartphone. With
this easy-to-access data and a prediction made based on said data, the treatment and
general service to patients with DM will be more agile, precise on the preventive measures
and supply the medical staff with other point of views. Along the project, a number of
tests were conducted in order to test the logic and quality of the system in a homologation
process. The results prove that both the trend prediction and the system work well, and
that it’ll be possible to move into tests with patients or real anonymous data in the future.
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