Rede Blockchain para rastreabilidade de queijos artesanais no Brasil utilizando Hyperledger Fabric
Doria Ricardo, Fernando Salhab
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The artisanal cheese market in Brazil presents a promising and growing scenario, with
an estimated revenue of US$10 million in 2021 and an annual growth projection rate
of 2.04% until 2025, according to Sebrae - SC. However, this market faces considerable
challenges, such as the strict sanitary requirements for producers and the lack of traceability in the food production chain. To overcome this last obstacle, the implementation
of a blockchain network using the Hyperledger Fabric platform is proposed. This solution
allows for the creation of a secure and transparent traceability system, enabling the recording and verification of all stages of the production chain. All stakeholders in this supply
chain will have access to a Progressive Web App (PWA) platform, compatible with any
device, whether desktop or mobile, making it easier to track and monitor the activities.
The end consumer will be able, through a QR code printed on the packaging, to access the
history of the cheese, ensuring the product’s origin, authenticity and safety. Throughout
this work, the solution was implemented and several tests were simulated to ensure the
system’s functionality and performance, paving the way for future research and eventual
implementation in real market conditions.
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