Canais de Santos: trajetória do tombamento de uma identidade urbana.
The aim of this assignment is to understand the involvement between the city and its
inhabitants, as well as the planning tools capable of exposing its behaviour towards the dynamics
which build up the urban area and the elements which determine its identity. Specifically
considering Santos, the object is found in the canals which are part of the drainage system projected
by the sanitation engineer Saturnino de Brito. In the historical process, which has determined this
base element of the urban area as well as the city identity, it s possible to find the reasons for
preserving the historical, architectural, artistic and cultural heritage, being this the scenery for
proposing the analysis of the social mobilisation in favour of its preservation, in order to prove our
hypothesis, taking into account the community participation which allows, at times, that the cultural
dynamics superimpose the economical dynamics when building the urban area.