Indicadores de sustentabilidade na área de emprego: uma caracterização para o monitoramento de políticas públicas locais.
This research was prepared with the propose of showing the reflections about the which ones
ruled this research. It seeks to supply a conceptual frame that expresses the matters that
permeated that processors investigation that embodies the research, the training and the
intervention in a Project of Public Politics. In specifically of this work that it objectifies
mantaining principles and indicators incorporation in Jaboticabal's Municipal district; they place at issue the relative themes to the maintaing's notion with a referencial for the construction of applicable indicators to the public administration. Under tha tfocus of considerations was organized this mastering dissertation work. The developed thematic run or flow over about the conceptual matters that they involve a referencial sustainable in the job area, the potential of utilization of the indicators and indices and the perspectives of the endogenous development in Brazil contemporary.