Identificação e avaliação de vazios urbanos na área continental do município de São Vicente (SP): potencialidades e possibilidades de uso.
This paper promotes an investigation into the Peripheral Urban Emptiness through
identification and analysis of the existing cases in São Vicente s Municipality Continental
Area, spatial field of study. Its main objective is the establishment of specific guidelines for
these urban emptiness, this way contributing to the municipality s urban environmental
To this end it was carried out documental research and in loco collection of data
which allowed the physical characterization of the spaces studied. This first stage of
investigation was complemented and related to the study of the laws incidental to São
Vicente s Continental Area, presenting as its first result considerations over the possibilities
of use and occupancy for each one of the eleven empty spaces found.
The research s final product is composed of suggestions for altering the zoning of use
and occupancy of the soil concerned with the area of study specified, with the creation of new
zones of use and new proposals for those areas identified as urban emptiness.