A participação de assessoria técnica-política e da CAIXA na produção de moradias em assentamentos rurais. Casos: Fusquinha, Nova Esperança e Pirituba 2
The theme treated on this work is the participation of the political-technical assistance and also the
CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL technicians in the housing production in rural encampments. Only
with the institutionalization of the Housing Subsidy Program of Rural Social Interest, since 2000, the
housing production in the encampments begins to get visible outlines in the face of the rural housing
debit, which is estimated in 1.7 millions of houses and represents about 28% of the lack and demand
of houses in the country. The housing production to the encampments population, generated by the
land reform, contains severe knowledge gaps related to the comprehension of how the agents involved
participated in the production process. The technical assistance action, provided by the financing
organs, is vital in the whole rural housing production process. It has an essential role in the evaluation
of the costs of the building material used, in the project development mechanism and in the
administration of the other elements related to the rural housing production, since most of the
researches on participation, management and production of houses is concentrated in the urban area.
PSH RURAL being carried out by CAIXA in agreement with INCRA has produced 1,134 houses in
encampments, in 18 projects distributed in 11 units of the Federation. The research approaches the
three projects of PSH RURAL which were executed in São Paulo state under the following
designations and locations: Fusquinha Encampment/Teodoro Sampaio, Pirituba Encampment/Itapeva
and Nova Esperança Encampment/São José dos Campos. The objective of this research is analysing
the participation of the technical assistance and of the CAIXA technicians in the management process
of rural housing enterprise. This work intends, with the study of the three cases, to understand and to
explain the participation of the technicians who worked with the settlement people and the CAIXA
technicians in rural housing production, as well to verify the production costs of these housing units
when compared to the Pró-Lar rural program from CDHU. The research strategy used by this work
consists in the case study, with raising research and quantitative and qualitative evidences. The unit
being analyzed is the technical assistance of the settled families and the CAIXA technicians. The
information collecting procedure conducted the research and the information survey directly with the
involved groups: families assessors, the CAIXA technicians and benefited families. With the
literature review, the evidence survey, comparison and data analysis, observation of the fields and
interviews held in the three cases, it was possible to confirm that the technical assistance to the
families and the CAIXA technicians had different behavior in the development of the works related to
the families and in the management of the housing production. It was possible to conclude that
although PSH Rural is a national covering program, the CAIXA technicians didn t have homogeneity
in the project analysis, assistance and resources releasing. In the same sense, the assistance to the
families, even producing larger houses that the CDHU ones, had a different behavior related to the
participation and management of the families in the housing building process.