Sistema de leito de drenagem e sedimentador como solução para redução de volume de lodo de decantadores e reuso de água de lavagem de filtros.
Water supply systems utilize, in most cases, conventional Water
Treatment Plants (WTPs). These plants use alum and ferric salts in their coagulation
process, and produce residues (sludge) mainly in filter systems and decanter tanks. The
produced residues may be toxic to man and are usually disposed of on environment
without any kind of treatment, therefore causing pollution. They present fluid
characteristic with low solid content and great amount of water. Such characteristic
hampers its transportation and proper disposal. The Cardoso plant used to fit the profile
of pollutant, dumping its untreated sludge directly into a nearby stream. As a solution to
this problem a system with a drainage bed for the sludge from decanter tank and a
sedimentation tank for the backwash water from filters have been built. The system was
built within the plant area itself. The drainage bed consists of a brick tank with a gravel
layer support coated with a geotextile. The solid mass from the dewatered sludge
showed adequate conditions as far as characteristics necessary for its final transportation
and proper disposal. The water drained from sludge (effluent) is sent to the
sedimentation tank. The turbidity, solids and COD were greatly reduced. The system
was designed for a less than 30 days utilization period. The sedimentation tank consists
of a fiberglass vase installed in a position that allows it to also receive the effluent from
the drainage bed. The clarified water is recirculated to the influent of the water
treatment plant and the solids are pumped to the drainage bed together the sludge from
decanter tank. The system s operation does not require much labor and equipment. The
aim of the research carried out was to design and analyze the drainage bed behavior
according to prototype developed in the PROSAB 2 research Tema IV, integrated with
Sedimentation Tank. Such integrated technology is an effective solution for the great
majority of Water Treatment Plants with available areas. It is recommended that such
system (Drainage bed and Sedimentation Tank) to be implemented should be always
arranged to properly each individual Water Treatment Plant. Further studies should be
also made on alternative of throwing clarified water straight from decanter tank to filters
before dumping the sludge into drainage bed.