Reamostragem bootstrap em amostragem por conjuntos ordenados e intervalos de confiança não paramétricos para a média
Ranked set sampling is an efficient and practice way to obtain more precise estimative
when the sample size is small because of the high cost or difficulties to measure the interest
variable. Using rough and cheap qualitative or quantitative information, the sample units are
ranked before their effective measurement.
In 1952, McIntyre introduced the ranked set sample design to estimate the average yields
from plots of cropland, using the ranked set sample mean, X . Cesario and Barreto (2003) have
shown a parametric version of bootstrap confidence intervals for normal distribution mean.
Because of the restriction of small sample size, the distributional assumption may not be
reasonable, producing no liable estimates. So the study and proposition of precise interval
estimators of the population mean could be relevant and are the main interest of this work.
Using resampling methods, we propose in this work an extension of bootstrap resampling
for ranked set sampling. A simulation study is conduced to the properties of single random
sample bootstrap confidence intervals and the similar using our version for ranked set sampling.
The analysis of the simulation study have shown the gain of precision for using the ranked set
sampling bootstrap confidence intervals in the population mean.