Transporte e morfologia de esquemas de tintas epóxi poliamina equivalentes à base de solvente e água
In the present work, anticorrosive properties of solvent borne and water based epoxy polyamine coatings were studied comparatively. First these studies were performed for the individual layers of these coatings, i.e., primer, under coating and topcoat, and, finally, for the set of the layers, which was named complete scheme (for both kinds of epoxy polyamine coatings).
In the case of primers, the ionic migration resistance was evaluated, and the resistivity of solvent borne epoxy polyamine coating primer (PS) was bigger than that of water based epoxy polyamine coating primer. In water absorption studies, the individual layers and the complete scheme of the solvent borne epoxy polyamine coating had smaller values than those of the water based epoxy polyamine coatings.
In the water transport studies, the individual layers and the complete scheme of the solvent borne epoxy polyamine coating had permeation coefficients smaller than those of the water based epoxy polyamine coating. The oxygen transport also was studied and, one more time, the individual layers of the solvent borne epoxy polyamine coating had permeation coefficients smaller than those of the water based epoxy polyamine coating. However, for the complete scheme, the water based epoxy polyamine coating permeation coefficient was smaller than the solvent borne epoxy polyamine coating one, both presented permeation values smaller than the individuals layers.