Acessibilidade e mobilidade em um residencial para idosos do município de Araraquara – SP
As the aging of the population becomes a reality, it is necessary to rethink the
cities to offer accessibility to all its individuals, having or not some restriction of
mobility themselves. Accessibility must transcend the interior of buildings and
permeate all its surroundings and the urban environment. Make the city
accessible is a challenge, and this becomes even bigger when the focus is the
elderly population. It must be changed the way of thinking cities, as the range of
the population over 60’s that live alone is increasing, and ensuring them
accessibility and mobility is a duty of the government. This study is meant to
examine the accessibility and mobility of residents of a housing project for the
elderly in the city of Araraquara, SP, using as reference the Brazilian Standard
NBR 9050, 2015. This analysis includes the views of residents and the
responsible administrative agent on the issue, as well as the use of technical
parameters of ISO 9050, for the elaboration of a check list to ascertain whether
the place has the necessary accessibility for this vulnerable group. The
methodology consists in applying the tools MMSE test-Mini Mental State
Examination, conversation circles, as well as relevant parameters of the
standard NBR 9050. Initially the results pointed to a very positive perception by
the elderly, although some accessibility parameters have not been included in
the construction of houses and residential facilities. Furthermore, it was found
very low mobility of older people when they need to perform their daily tasks,
making possible by the use of transport modes on foot and by public transport
by bus. Improve accessibility both internally and in mobility for the surrounding
of the residence location, would be some of the possible solutions to increase
security and ensure autonomy, fostered by increased mobility.