Memória e turismo: uma proposta de roteiros histórico-culturais em Brigadeiro Tobias
This paper proposes to stimulate the promotion of the tourism sustainable on a basis activity for the District of Brigadeiro Tobias - Sorocaba/SP; to enhance the existing cultural and historical heritage based on proposal routes, which are Tropeirismo cycle inheritance and railway period, as well as to promote actions of leisure and education for the local community. The development of roadmaps occurred based on a turistic inventory of District, previously done to use the methodology of oral history and literature review. From the diagnosis of this inventory six routes were proposed, of which five concentrate in the District and one of them includes different areas of the municipality. Finally, identified spot tourism activity should face the challenge of improving existing cultural heritage, of serving on the spot to help in continuing memory, of enabling the community to the resumption of the use of “Casarão” as a leisure and social area, allowing visitors to experience cultural diversity, economic and cultural diversification for the community of Brigadeiro Tobias.
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