Análise de duas bibliotecas públicas em Sorocaba (SP): proposta de roteiro turístico cultural
Within the thematic tourism and libraries the work here presented aims to analyze two public libraries located in Sorocaba(SP), taking in consideration characteristics such as book collection and architecture, and the diversity of the events that take place in these public libraries looking for state their turistic potencial. This work intends as general purpose to enable two libraries of the city of Sorocaba to become a turistic atraction that can be able to be a form of representation and dissemination of culture in the city. After a comparative between the libraries in the city, the two libraries that were chosen are the Municipal Public Library Jorge Guilherme Senger and the Children’s Library Renato Sêneca de Sá Fleury. From the analisys result it was proposed a cultural tour that can be offered in partnership with various entities in the city, acting as a final result of the present work and aiming to offer a cultural tourism proposal in the city to contribute to offer a diverse proposal and to include the local community.
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