Conhecimento tradicional e ensino formal: desafios educacionais entre quilombolas no Vale do Ribeira (SP)
Schools inserted in quilombola contexts face challenges that go beyond an
adapted Pedagogical Political Project. In this study, local narratives about education
in the Pedro Cubas and Pedro Cubas de Cima communities (Vale do Ribeira, SP) are
presented. Narratives are discussed in light of the challenges of integrating traditional
knowledge and formal education for local children and adolescents. Data were
collected through informal interviews and daily life observation in the context. The
results showed aspects of life history, socialization, and reflections on education of
eight individuals, among quilombolas and teachers who work in the region. School
transport conditions were within the main difficulties reported. Proposals and local
actions for the inclusion of differentiated teaching in the school curriculum could be
also reported. However, the challenge of a more effective and permanent integration
between quilombola culture, local knowledge, and formal education in schools
remains. The school, seen as a multicultural and democratic environment, impacts
positively not only local populations but the society as a whole.
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