Ciências sociais e secularização: um estudo sobre a trajetoria de vida religiosa de profissionais formados em ciências sociais na Paraíba
This paper is an approach to the debate on the possible existence of an elective
affinity between the study of Social Sciences and the macro-process of secularization.
Secularization here is understood as the gradual, non-linear, historically and
geographically determined loss of the comprehensiveness of religious discourse, which
is expressed, among other factors, by the separation and autonomization of the social
spheres and the consequent privatization of religion. To achieve such a goal, a group of
Social Scientists from the state of Paraíba, graduated between 1980 and 2005, were
chosen as the empirical space of analysis. By means of in-depth interviews their life
histories were recovered with a focus on their religious views and practices before,
during and after their studies as social scientists, while an attempt was conducted to
apprehend by which means this process was able to change their views and practices
towards secularization. By analyzing the content of the interviews, it was possible to
conclude that there is an elective affinity relationship between the study of Social
Sciences and secularization. This occurs because the study of the discipline, even tough
it does not contribute directly to the construction of an atheist or agnostic view, it does
offer the tools required for the constitution of a secular consciousness, where religion is
perceived as a discourse that responds to individual needs and interests, a matter of
personal choice, that means, religion is viewed and experienced by the Social Scientists
analyzed, as a discourse, in modern times, that has its meaning given by the
soteriological function it performs.