A interdisciplinaridade no EPEA à luz da vertente de Educação Ambiental Crítico-Transformadora
The research aimed to analyze the annals of the Research Meeting in Environmental
Education (EPEA), in order to understand how researchers have been approaching the
conception of Interdisciplinarity in the area of Environmental Education, in the light of
the Freirean Critical-Transforming Environmental Education. A qualitative survey was
carried out via document analysis of articles published in EPEA, in the period of 2001 to
2019. For this purpose, 898 works were selected on the event's website. At first, articles
that presented the keyword "interdisciplinarity" were selected, followed by the selection
of those works that aimed at school context, and finally, we selected those which the
conception of interdisciplinarity are centered on the interdisciplinary subject or object. It
was concluded that among the 72 works that mention interdisciplinarity, only 2 (2.78%)
refer to the interdisciplinary subject and 7 (9.72%) to the interdisciplinary object, but none
of them are in line with the concept of interdisciplinarity advocated in the Freirean
Critical-Transforming Environmental Education.
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