Zoneamento ecológico-econômico e biodiversidade: contribuição metodológica. Estudo na Bacia e Delta do Rio Parnaíba-Brasil
The theme of this current subject concerns the relation between Ecological-Economical
Zoning (EEZ) and the biodiversity s protection. For so, an incursion is necessary concerning
this important territorial planning tool, with the presentation of its backgrounds, current
situation, methodological evolution, main projects already made in the country, with analyses
of its biotical aspects data and main products. The research proposes a methodological
contribution to the Ecological-Economical Zoning, through the insertion of the biodiversity
parameter in two levels of execution: a more strategic level, the Macrozoning, and a more
operational vision, the EEZ on local and state scale. The case studied embodies the Parnaíba
River Watershed, detailed of the EEZ from the region of Parnaíba River Delta, localized on
the states of Piauí, Ceará and Maranhão. The main objective of this study consists in
contributing with the Ecological-Economical Zoning methodology in relation with the biotical
aspects, improving the insertion of biodiversity on the operational processes. For so, it was
opted to get and analyze concerning the biotical environment, as many zoning projects ever
made in Brazil as possible, on a 1:250.000 scale or bigger, besides presenting insertion
alternatives of the biodiversity theme on different information treating scales, guaranteeing
that the biodiversity conservation gets considered on an effective way on the operational
procedures of zoning, proposing its thematically integration and supported use of the natural
resources. The execution of the work was based mainly on the use of geoprocessing tools,
through the reunion of data and information on Geographical Information Systems, using
Spring software and ArcGis, with divulgation of the Geographical Data Bank constructed
from the secondary data given by the Sustained Development Political Secretary from the
Environment Ministry (SDS/MMA) e specific processes made on this study.