Ecologia Humana e Etnoecologia: memórias, saberes e fazeres na voz de três mulheres ribeirinhas no Lago Amanã - AM
Memory, knowledge, and practices related to the human ecology of riverine populations in the Amanã Lake (AM) are treated in this study from a women's perspective. The work also presents and discusses aspects of women’s ecological knowledge, as well the woman's role in the productive activities in the household economy scale. Historical fragments about the region are also presented, bringing to light aspects of the past way of life of its population. It was carried out 22-days fieldwork among riverine communities in the Amanã Lake. The study makes use of an ethnographic approach, with the application of informal and semi-structured interviews, as well participant observation in the field. Boa Esperança, Boa Vista do Calafate, Santa Luzia, and Ubim were visited during the research. Six women, between 27 and 75 years old were interviewed, but only three of them were selected to be included in this monograph, based on their biographies and oral history contents. The interviewers’ narratives show elements of women's human ecology in an Amazonian riverine context, at the same time that reveal women's perception and knowledge about ecology, landscape, history, environmental changes, among other related topics.
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