Verbalidades uma proposta de canal no youtube para narrativas surdas
In this course completion work, I created a channel on the YouTube platform,
whose name is VERBALITIES. With the aim of creating a space for the dissemination of
countless deaf identities and experiences through videos, narrated by the people themselves
people, configuring itself as a tool capable of meeting this demand. The videos
are made up of interviews with deaf people, who share their experiences, not
only as deaf people, but as deaf people living within
a plural and multifaceted society. Based on this proposal, interviews were carried out
which allowed us to address topics that make up the concept of intersectionality, such as:
race, ethnicity, gender, social groups, etc. with the aim of reducing the lack of knowledge,
propagation of stereotypes and the increase in ableism related not only to the person
deaf, but also to the entire Deaf Community. Although the focus is on people with deafness, these
Interviews may also include hearing interpreters and CODAs (Hearing Children of
Deaf Parents), who are also part of the Deaf Community. In addition to the objectives already
scored, this channel can also be seen as a training tool, since
can be used in Libras Translation and Interpretation training courses and in other
areas, such as a data collection space, or knowledge of deaf people in
locations where the resident community tends to be small.
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