Now showing items 1-10 of 49
Os limites entre a moral e o pragmático na filosofia da história de Immanuel Kant
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-03-10)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze Immanuel Kant's Philosophy of History insofar as we seek to circumscribe how the pragmatic field collaborates or favors the fulfillment of what is established as a moral end to ...
O obstáculo do solipsismo em o ser e o nada: Sartre entre realismo e idealismo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-12-04)
Dans cette mémoire de master, nous cherchons à aborder dans quelle mesure l'ontologie phénoménologique de Jean-Paul Sartre surmonte le problème du solipsisme dans L'être et le néant. Dans ce but, en utilisant les écrits ...
Francis Bacon em tríptico: uma análise das figuras pictóricas sob a perspectiva de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-06-29)
S'appuyant sur l'ouvrage Francis Bacon : Logique de la sensation du philosophe français Gilles Deleuze, dans lequel le penseur analyse les tableaux du peintre irlandais, cette recherche vise à étudier l'élément de la Figure ...
O jovem e o velho Marx: uma cartografia do problema do trabalho
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-09-05)
In the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Marx examines the determinations of estranged work, the act of estrangement (Entfremdung) of human activity. With them, he seeks to show that when the worker is subjugated ...
O corpo no espaço, o espaço do corpo: considerações sobre a filosofia de Merleau-Ponty
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-07-14)
Cette thèse suit Maurice Merleau-Ponty dans sa recherche d’un fondement spatial et concret pour sa phénoménologie. Pour cela, nous commençons notre parcours en réfléchissant à l’importance du refus de l’auteur de se limiter ...
Intuição e interioridade em Bergson
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-01-28)
The present work investigates the meaning of the notion of interiority in Henri Bergson’s philosophy and its role in the Bergsonian conception of intuition. It starts with the following thought: either the intuition of an ...
Diferenças e continuidades na arqueologia e na genealogia de Foucault: entre 1966 e 1976
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2020-02-14)
This dissertation aims to study the relationship between Foucault's archaeological and genealogical researches taking into consideration Les mots et les choses archeology of human sciences; the debate raised by the publication ...
O paradoxo do sexo: a sexualidade no pensamento de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-11-05)
The aim of this work is to investigate the theme of sexuality in Rousseau's thought. The Genevan philosopher is often accused of paradox and his work of containing problems of unity. These characteristics, however, constitute ...
A liberdade em Aristóteles
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-09-05)
Several scholars have entertained the notion of freedom in Aristotle according to their respective aims and methods. Although their research may overlap in some aspects, they are significantly far from reaching any dialogue ...
Ipseidade e alteridade em Sartre
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-11-20)
This work aims, through an analysis of the Sartre’s pre-reflective cogito, verify how is implicit
in the structures of the being-for-itself (consciousness) the presence to itself, the presence to
the other (otherness) ...