O número de Milnor de uma singularidade isolada
Given (X; 0) C (CN; 0) a weighted homogeneous germ of hypersurface with isolated singularity and f : (CN; 0) - C a germ of function finitely determined with respect to X, we show that UBR(f;X) = U(f) + U(X; f), where U(f) and U(X; f) denote the Milnor numbers of f and of the fiber X \ f��1(0), respectively, and UBR(f;X) is the Bruce-Roberts number of f with respect to X. We show that the logarithmic characteristic subvariety, LC(X), is Cohen-Macaulay and we get relations between the Bruce-Roberts number and the Euler obstruction. Given F : (CN; 0) ! Mm;n(C) a holomorphic function germ, let (X; 0) be the isolated determinantal singularity given by X = F-1(Ms m;n(C)) where Ms m;n(C) is the set of the complex matrices with rank less then s, with s an integer number between 0 and minfm; ng such that N < (m - s + 2)(n - s + 2), we will define the vanishing Euler characteristic of (X; 0) and the Milnor number of a holomorphic function germ with an isolated singularity at X, f : (X; 0) - C.