• Principais ingredientes ativos dos agroquímicos: aplicação e uso no Brasil 

      Souza, José Lucas de (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 05/04/2023)
      This research aimed to present (identify) which are the main active ingredients (AI) used in the formulation of pesticides, as well as their use (utility/importance) in agronomy and possible socio-environmental impacts ...
    • Impacto da guerra Rússia/Ucrânia sobre o mercado de fertilizantes brasileiro 

      Santimaria, João Pedro Matias (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 28/08/2023)
      This research paper examined the impacts of the war between Russia Ukraine on the fertilizer market in Brazil. The general objective is to evaluate the impact of the Russia/Ukraine war on the domestic fertilizer market. ...
    • Margens de comercialização do etanol hidratado no estado de São Paulo 

      Monteiro, Thiago Peitl (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 22/08/2023)
      Brazil is a huge producer of sugar cane and is the source of raw materials for the mills to produce ethanol, a fuel of economic, social and environmental importance. According to the IEA, Brazil is the world's largest ...
    • Restauração florestal no Brasil: avaliação produtiva e mercado pós acordo de Paris 

      Grandini, Guillermo Antonio Cerávolo (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 22/01/2024)
      The present study seeks to assess the productive capacity of seedlings and seeds in Brazil, identifying the main actors in the reforestation market and the associated challenges, in the context of the goals established by ...
    • Diagnóstico do cooperativismo agropecuário no Brasil 

      Santos, Sara Raquel de Barros (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 12/01/2021)
      This work aims to analyze the panorama of agricultural cooperatives in Brazil and its regions through the following variables: number of agricultural establishments; number of agricultural establishments organized in ...
    • Setor sucroenergético: dinâmica produtiva do açúcar no Brasil 

      Lima, Andreza Tuckmantel de (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 18/12/2020)
      Brazil stands out worldwide in the sugar-energy sector, in world rankings it presents itself as the largest producer and exporter of sugar and the second largest producer of ethanol. In this sense, it is important to better ...
    • Blockchain como modelo de inovação na sistematização das informações para exportação de café 

      Araujo, Guilherme Patricio de (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 29/06/2021)
      With the market increasingly looking for innovation and ease in finding information and optimizing time, the blockchain appears as a viable alternative to serve the entire export chain in the coffee sector. The general ...
    • Análise das mudanças da colheita manual da cana-de-açúcar para a mecanizada no setor sucroenergético 

      Paulosso, Leonardo Henrique (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 25/04/2022)
      Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane and its by-products in the world. For the 2020/21 harvest, sugarcane crushing in Brazil was 657,433 thousand tons, with the North-Northeast region responsible for 7.9% and the ...
    • Estudo comparativo entre o modal rodoviário e a cabotagem no Brasil para a soja 

      Souza, Jaiana Gomes dos Santos (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 18/12/2020)
      With the new market requirements and the needs of the country, the demand for a more economical and adequate transport system has induced the improvement of the waterway system, especially cabotage. This work has as general ...
    • Sistematização da operacionalização dos créditos de descarbonização - CBIOs 

      Fornaro, Daniel Henrique (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 16/11/2021)
      As a means of achieving the set Paris Agreement decarbonization targets in 2015, Brazil has created the Política Nacional de Biocombustíveis, also called Programa RenovaBio. Established by Lei nº 13.576 of 2017´s December ...
    • Sustentabilidade de sistemas agroflorestais do Vale do Ribeira 

      Nascimento Júnior, José Ricardo de Oliveira (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural - PPGADR-Ar, Câmpus Araras, 21/05/2024)
      The production of food and agroforestry products focuses on environmental, social and economic sustainability. However, there are few studies that assess the sustainability of agroforestry systems (AFSs) in these three ...
    • Evolução da agricultura de precisão no setor sucroalcooleiro no estado de São Paulo e a perspectiva da inteligência artificial 

      Mazzi, João Vitor Costa (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 16/09/2024)
      This study aimed to analyze the evolution of Precision Agriculture (PA) in the sugar-alcohol sector of the State of São Paulo and the perspectives of artificial intelligence. The specific objectives were: to conduct a ...