Verdades econômicas e verdades políticas - o sistema financeiro em debate
This thesis is dedicated to the unveiling of the building game of the Brazilian political and economic possibilities in the recent period taking into account a specific period of national political and economic debate between the presidential elections of 2002 and the first year of the Lula government.
We start from the premise that such possibilities, through establishment of truths, strengthen themselves from the interplay of forces produced in the economic and political fields whose success depends on the degree of strength of actors, groups and institutions in the scenario of dispute.
We look back on the debate occurred around the financial rules discussed in the National Congress, which extends and is gain ground in elections for the presidency of the republic, where Lula and Serra would dispute the first and second round. Economic issues are discussed in the light of the broader issues that concern a more general situation of planning of Brazilian society, demonstrating how this debate is part of a dispute that goes beyond economic and political issues, it really concerns the cultural order to be legitimized.
In this context actors, groups and institutions, from their capital, articulate themselves in the construction of possibilities, establishing criteria of truths that conform the interpretive lens of reality, interesting point to check the trends to which is subject to Brazilian society.