Browsing TCC by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 169
A experiência com a aprendizagem na unidade educacional de prática profissional do curso de medicina da UFSCar
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 06/12/2012)This narrative describes the attitudinal, psychomotor and cognitive, personal and professional, mobilized by the experience with the Educational Unit of Professional Practice of the UFSCar Medicine Course. It was not an ... -
Reflexão crítica sobre as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito das unidades educacionais de Prática Profissional do curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Carlos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 18/11/2013)The objective is to critically and reflectively describe the activities developed within the educational units of Professional Practice of the Medicine course at the Federal University of São Carlos, which took place in ... -
Narrativa crítico-reflexiva
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 28/09/2018)The objective of this work is to carry out a synthesis about the experience in the areas of teaching, assistance and research throughout the medical graduation course through a reflection on my training as recommended by ... -
Transformações pelo caminho: a última narrativa
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 17/09/2019)Reflective Narrative about the experiences acquired by the student during the undergraduate medical course, from 2014 to 2019, divided into cycles, consisting of two years, as well is the Medical course at the Federal ... -
O luto e as esferas do sofrimento na pandemia de 2020
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 30/09/2020)The final paper of medical school at the Federal University of São Carlos proposes to be a critical-reflexive narrative that synthesizes experiences lived during graduation regarding learning and medical care. Using knowledge ... -
Percepções da influência das atividades extracurriculares durante uma trajetória acadêmica
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 14/10/2020)The course conclusion work (TCC) is a mandatory instrument to graduate in medicine from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). According to the pedagogical project1, the work should present the student's perception ... -
Trabalho de conclusão de curso: narrativa sobre meu processo de formação médica
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 26/10/2020)This work deals with my path towards medical training. It intends, through narrative, to share this process highlighting important points of this trajectory. It also intends to comment on the Federal University of São ... -
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 01/11/2020)The present work is intended to conclude the Bachelor's Degree in Medicine at the Federal University of São Carlos. It is about the student's trajectory and her reflections on the period -
Narrativa do processo da minha formação médica
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 01/11/2020)This Course Conclusion Paper will be prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Pedagogical Project of the UFSCar Medicine Course. O CBT will have a critical-reflective narrative about my education, with emphasis ... -
Reflexões sobre minha graduação: minha trajetória no curso de medicina da UFSCar
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 10/11/2020)The completion of course work is an instrument that, through narrative and theoretical background, allows the student to describe the medical course at the Federal University of São Carlos. This synthesis can be performed ... -
Narrativa crítico-reflexiva sobre a vivência como estudante do curso de medicina da UFSCar
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 10/11/2020)Critically and reflexively, describes the student's personal and professional life trajectory about his teaching-learning process throughout the medical course at UFSCar, in the student's own view. It considers the student's ... -
Uma reflexão sobre a saúde mental dos estudantes de Medicina: importância do exercício físico durante a graduação e ação das atléticas no meio universitário
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 10/11/2020)The aim of this study was to reflect and review the role and benefits of sports and athletics in the universities, especially among Medical students who presents with high rates of psychological disorders. It was carried ... -
Narrativa crítico-reflexiva: impressões individuais sobre a trajetória de aprendizagem durante o curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Carlos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 12/11/2020)This work is a critical-reflexive autobiographical narrative about the experience lived during the undergraduate course in medicine at the Federal University of São Carlos, presenting the personal opinion of its author, ... -
Relato da experiência de um aluno do Curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, no período de 2015 a 2020
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 12/11/2020)The following narrative tells my path as a medical student between 2015 and 2020. I approach my personal experience during six years of college and analyze them critically in search of teachings that it brought me. It was ... -
Fatores de piora, melhora e protetores da saúde mental ao longo do curso de medicina da UFSCar: Uma análise pessoal e retrospectiva
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 12/11/2020)This study aims to analyze, from the author's personal point of view, the experiences lived as a student in the medical course at the Federal University of São Carlos, during the years 2015 to 2020, through an experience ... -
O profissional de saúde e o luto: reflexões a partir da trajetória acadêmica no curso de medicina
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 12/11/2020)Death is considered a defeat or failure for many health professionals, particularly, for the doctor, and not as a natural fact arising from the history of every individual. Consequently, the relentless search for the ... -
Em construção: um memorial crítico-reflexivo de uma formanda sobre o curso de Medicina UFSCar
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 12/11/2020)The following work describes the trajectory and experiences of a medical student at the Federal University of São Carlos in the period from 2015 to 2020, through a critical-reflexive analysis. It aims to transmit the ... -
As asas da ciência: uma reflexão sobre as oportunidades proporcionadas pela ciência, pesquisa e inovação, além dos limites da universidade
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 12/11/2020)The reflection on the presence of science inside and outside the university in the view of a medical student at the Federal University of São Carlos who, through research, acquired a wide professional background and expanded ... -
Resistência bacteriana aos Macrolídeos: um olhar sobre a Azitromicina
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 12/11/2020)It is increasingly important to focus on the battle against bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The indiscriminate use of these drugs weighs on an already unbalanced equilibrium between strains resistant to the available ... -
Por que Medicina? Por que UFSCar? Um registro da minha trajetória
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 12/11/2020)Introduction The Bachelor of Medical Sciences Degree at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) is based on developing the competence and the theoretical-practical integration by means of a constructivist educational ...