A epistemologia de Ludwik Fleck aplicada á educação: a escola e seu papel na perspectivados atores do processo de ensino/aprendizagem
The present work is a synthesis of the analysis of bibliographic material, qualitative research and reflection in the light of the critical pedagogy of discourse and educational practice in two public schools of basic education in the city of Sorocaba, SP. It aims to present the important contributions of the Polish physician and philosopher Ludwik Fleck (1896: 2010) through the systematic application of some of the epistemological assumptions he structured in the work Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (1935) and inaugurating the Sociology of Science. It also seeks to contribute to the understanding of the contradictions of the school space that affect the routine of teaching work and, consequently, the teaching / learning process, having as a central reference the prepositives of Paulo Freire who in several works defends and presents Education as a social and collective character. The collection method and the analysis of the results are based on qualitative research, focusing on school culture seeking to verify the existence of collectives and styles of thought, the interaction of ideas between esoteric and exoteric circles and from this analysis understand the perception of teachers and students on the social role of the school in the pedagogical dimension. Therefore, it was concluded that the present work contributes to the personal development of the author in his speech, his professional and pedagogical practice, of the academic community by appropriating the ideas and concepts shared here, as well as of the entire school community (teaching students and others actors in the educational process).
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