Um estudo sobre envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho em Araraquara/SP: percepções, entraves e desafios
The interface of interdisciplinarity: human aging, work, technologies and management is characterized as an important front for the study of the social dimensions of science and technology. In this sense, the objective of this dissertation is to present a case study on the theme of population aging and the labor market in a city in the interior of the State of São Paulo. This is a case study of a social, qualitative and descriptive nature. 10 people participated in this study (5 workers in the process of professional relocation and 5 managers working in the area of recruitment and selection) exploring aspects of scientific and technological changes and their potential impacts on the world of work, as well as obstacles and demands brought about by these changes social. The results point to different and complementary perceptions regarding the replacement of workers in the market. The reintegration into formal work has reported difficulties due to new information and communication technologies, as well as cultural issues, such as the belief of disadvantage in relation to younger workers. The perception of workers and managers converges in relation to the difficulties of adapting to new technologies and the need for better qualification, however, it differs in relation to the disadvantage of age, which in the point of view of most managers reveals a discourse on strategic advantage for organizations (due to the experience, maturity and commitment of professionals).
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