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dc.contributor.authorSilva, Maicon Miguel Vieira da
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, Maicon Miguel Vieira da. Projeto de Integração do rio São Francisco – PISF: recortes da injustiça hídrica no semiárido paraibano. 2022. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Araras, 2022. Disponível em:*
dc.description.abstractThe present research was developed within the scope of the Graduate Program in Agroecology and Development at the Federal University of São Carlos - SP. Its objective was to characterize processes of water (In)justice suffered by rural communities in the Brazilian Semi-Arid region from the implementation of the Project for the Integration of Hydrographic Basins of the Northern Northeast (PISF). The research was developed in four stages, the first refers to a re-reading of quantitative data produced by the author of this research, for the development of his monograph, but which presents relevant information for the debate on Water (In)justice. The second stage consisted of a literature review on Water (In)justice. The debate was systematized and presented in the second section of this work. The third step is to carry out a field interview in the territories Vila Produtiva Rural Lafayette and Pau D'arco/Mulungu, located in the rural area of the municipality of Monteiro-PB. The field research consists of carrying out a qualitative interview to identify the possible water (In)justices present in the researched communities, considering the analytical dimensions that deal with accumulation, conflicts and actions of civil society, present in the theoretical framework. The fourth and last stage is presented in the systematization of field data. The processes related to ACCUMULATION were categorized into “Commitments of water sources”, “Concentration of water sources” and “Water commodification”; processes related to CONFLICTS were categorized into “Community Conflicts”, “Inter-Community Conflicts”, “Community vs State Conflicts” and finally “Community vs Ministry Conflicts”; processes related to civil society action were categorized into “Formations and partnerships”, “Struggles and social mobilizations” and “Projects” according to the discussions presented in section three of this work. The conclusions indicate that the water (In)justices are characterized in several fields, more in particular with regard to the conditions of access, quality, and commercialization of water, as well as in the conflicts generated by the PISF in a direct and indirect way. In order to combat injustices, the resistance of the victimized communities is attested through the actions of civil society, which has done a lot to repair the impacts caused by water injustices, which the territories were subordinated to.eng
dc.description.abstractThe present research was developed within the scope of the Graduate Program in Agroecology and Development at the Federal University of São Carlos - SP. Its objective was to characterize processes of water (In)justice suffered by rural communities in the Brazilian Semi-Arid region from the implementation of the Project for the Integration of Hydrographic Basins of the Northern Northeast (PISF). The research was developed in four stages, the first refers to a re-reading of quantitative data produced by the author of this research, for the development of his monograph, but which presents relevant information for the debate on Water (In)justice. The second stage consisted of a literature review on Water (In)justice. The debate was systematized and presented in the second section of this work. The third step is to carry out a field interview in the territories Vila Produtiva Rural Lafayette and Pau D'arco/Mulungu, located in the rural area of the municipality of Monteiro-PB. The field research consists of carrying out a qualitative interview to identify the possible water (In)justices present in the researched communities, considering the analytical dimensions that deal with accumulation, conflicts and actions of civil society, present in the theoretical framework. The fourth and last stage is presented in the systematization of field data. The processes related to ACCUMULATION were categorized into “Commitments of water sources”, “Concentration of water sources” and “Water commodification”; processes related to CONFLICTS were categorized into “Community Conflicts”, “Inter-Community Conflicts”, “Community vs State Conflicts” and finally “Community vs Ministry Conflicts”; processes related to civil society action were categorized into “Formations and partnerships”, “Struggles and social mobilizations” and “Projects” according to the discussions presented in section three of this work. The conclusions indicate that the water (In)justices are characterized in several fields, more in particular with regard to the conditions of access, quality, and commercialization of water, as well as in the conflicts generated by the PISF in a direct and indirect way. In order to combat injustices, the resistance of the victimized communities is attested through the actions of civil society, which has done a lot to repair the impacts caused by water injustices, which the territories were subordinated to.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlospor
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil*
dc.subjectTransposição do rio São Franciscopor
dc.subjectConflitos no semiáridopor
dc.subjectJustiça hídricapor
dc.subjectTransposition of the São Francisco Rivereng
dc.subjectConflicts in the semi-arid regioneng
dc.subjectWater justiceeng
dc.titleProjeto de Integração do rio São Francisco – PISF: recortes da injustiça hídrica no semiárido paraibanopor
dc.title.alternativeSão Francisco River Integration Project – PISF: highlights of water injustice in the semi-arid region of Paraíbaeng
dc.contributor.advisor1Borsatto, Ricardo Serra
dc.contributor.advisor-co1Diniz, Paulo César Oliveira
dc.description.resumoA presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa de Pós Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvida da Universidade Federal de São Carlos - SP. O seu objetivo visou caracterizar processos de (In)justiça hídrica sofridos por comunidades rurais do Semiárido Brasileiro a partir da implantação do Projeto de Integração de Bacias Hidrográficas do Nordeste setentrional (PISF). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas, a primeira refere-se a uma releitura de dados quantitativos produzidos pelo autor dessa pesquisa, para o desenvolvimento de sua monografia, mas que apresenta informações relevantes para o debate sobre (In)justiça Hídrica. A segunda etapa consistiu em uma revisão de literatura sobre (In)justiça Hídrica. O debate foi sistematizado e apresentado na segunda seção deste trabalho. A terceira etapa confere-se na realização de entrevista de campo nos territórios Vila Produtiva Rural Lafayette e Pau D'arco/Mulungu, localizados na zona rural do município de Monteiro-PB. A pesquisa de campo constitui-se na realização de entrevista de caráter qualitativo para identificar as possíveis (In)justiças hídricas presentes nas comunidades pesquisadas, considerando as dimensões analíticas que trata sobre acumulação, conflitos e ações da sociedade civil, presentes no referencial teórico. A quarta e última etapa apresenta-se na sistematização dos dados de campo. Os processos relacionados à ACUMULAÇÃO foram categorizados em “Comprometimentos das fontes de água”, “Concentração das fontes de água” e “Mercantilização da água”; os processos relacionados a CONFLITOS foram categorizados em “Conflitos Comunitários”, “Conflitos Inter-Comunitários”, “Conflitos Comunidade vs Estado” e por fim “Conflitos Comunidade vs Ministério”; os processos relacionados a Ação da sociedade civil foram categorizados em “Formações e parcerias”, “Lutas e mobilizações sociais” e “Projetos” conforme discussões apresentadas na sessão três deste trabalho. As conclusões indicam que as (In)justiças hídricas estão caracterizadas em vários campos, mais em especial no tocante às condições de acesso, qualidade, e mercantilização da água, bem como nos conflitos gerados pelo o PISF de maneira direta e indireta. Para o combate as Injustiças, atesta-se a resistência das comunidades vitimadas através das ações da sociedade civil, que muito tem feito no sentido de reparar os impactos causados pelas Injustiças hídricas, as quais os territórios foram subordinados.por
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural - PPGADR-Arpor
dc.publisher.addressCâmpus Araraspor

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