Competências e habilidades do arquivista de dados: mapeamento sistemático da literatura
The current configurations of society bring new possibilities for professional activity and substantially change the role of archivists in the digital context. In this scenario, what are the skills and abilities of the archivist who works with data? With the purpose of contributing to the understanding of the state of the art on the issue, the objective is to systematize the skills and abilities desirable for the archivist to work with data, in the light of the available literature. To this end, a mapping of theoretical, empirical and literature review studies was carried out that address the role of the archivist with data; identification of literature recommendations for archivists working with data and archivists' professional experiences with data; and systematization of a set of skills and abilities required of the archivist who wants to work with data. It is a systematic mapping of the literature that evokes scientific articles published in Web of Science (WoS); Base de Dados em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI); Google Scholar; Information Science & Technology Abstracts - ISTA (EBSCO); Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text (LISTA) and Scopus to obtain the national and international scenario dedicated to the issue. The analyzed scientific
productions reveal a recent introduction of the theme in the agenda of discussions of Information Science, with predominance for researches that investigate digital informational environments and the digitalization and preservation of data; reveal that the term data archivist is the predominant nomenclature; and that the requirements compiled with the systematic mapping integrate three central axes: training, information management and archival public policies. It is concluded that the archivist who works with data must recognize himself as a data archivist and be aware of digital transformations and its constant innovations to remain prominent in the job market.
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