Diagnóstico da aplicação de cores em projetos web baseado em uma metodologia
This work have used a colors application methodology in the project Web, elaborated
by Luciana Martha Silveira, as a systematic of analysis of virtual environments, applied here
in the domain of Distance Learning (DL). That methodology presents five fundamental axes
which include the physical, physiologic and symbolic aspects involved in the chromatic
The search for problems identification and the aiming for their possible solutions was
the main goal of the present work, in agreement with the chromatic context that each site is
inserted, considering the need to have a way of revising the systems Web, which are available
to the visitors of those websites.
The recurring problems in sites were identified in that application domain, and the
solutions were aimed in regard of the methodology applied. It is waited that the formalized
results in the analyses and the identification of the problem/solution pairs in that domain of
colors application would be able to help the designer in chromatic composition of sites
aesthetically more attractive and intuitive, including a larger degree usability.