Now showing items 31-40 of 134
A carnalidade da reflexão: ipseidade e alteridade em Merleau-Ponty
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-12-17)
Dans quel sens, le fait de circonscrire les notions d ipséité et d altérité par le
moyen de l expérience de la carnalité devient-il légitime? Dans quelle mesure,
le rôle de la perception, du propre corps, du langage, du ...
Behaviorismo radical, ética e política: aspectos teóricos do compromisso social.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-04-01)
Mudanças nos conceitos de ansiedade nos séculos XIX e XX : da Angstneurose ao DSM-IV
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-04-14)
Anxiety has been a well-studied subject for centuries. Nevertheless, as a circumscribed pathology, anxiety only appears in medical reports at the end of the 19th century, with the works of Sigmund Freud. From clinical ...
Realidade psíquica e inconsciente em Freud e em Bérgson : considerações a partir de uma filosofia da ação
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-08-27)
Although both the Bergsonian philosophy and the Freudian metapsychology have been not properly considered, in the last decades, regarding an ample debate about the nature of the mind, it is about two recent speeches that ...
Esclarecimento, semiformação e a liquidação do indivíduo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-02-27)
The project of enlightenment (Aufklärung) was to disenchant the world, replacing the myths and the imagination by the knowledge. This process is essential for the human being can achieve the autonomy. But instead of ...
Merleau-Ponty e a crise da razão
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2011-03-28)
ABSTRACT This work takes its point of departure in Merleau-Ponty s Philosophy, centered in the notion of Crisis of Reason , basing itself on the presupposition that this is a fundamental concept of contemporary phenomenology. ...
A existência ética e religiosa em Kierkegaard: continuidade ou ruptura?
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-04-07)
The present study, based on the Kierkegaard s existential dialectics, intends to deal with ethical and religious existence in Kierkegaard, critically assessing the demands of religion and the limits of ethics. Upon ...
Darstellungen nos Princípios da Mecânica e no Tractatus : a representação dos objetos e a figuração do mundo em Hertz e em Wittgenstein
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-03-15)
The aim of this thesis is based on the defense of the hypothesis that there are remarkable influences of the physicist Heinrich Hertz s thinking, especially his The Principles of Mechanics (1894), on the Wittgenstein s ...
Mundo interior e expressão: a filosofia da psicologia de Ludwig Wittgenstein
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-03-22)
This thesis analyzes the grammar of the psychological vocabulary with the idea that inner world (the subjectivity) and external world (the behavior) are connected by grammatical relations which must be clarified through a ...
O problema da agência moral e política na filosofia de David Hume
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2009-11-29)
This thesis analyzes and discusses the ideas of passion, reason, consenting, promise, and political obedience aiming to verify how they can found on a defense of morals and politics in David Hume s philosophy. From the ...