O sexo dos meninos : Néstor Perlongher leitor de Oliverio Girondo
This thesis presents the final results of the research developed between March, 2013 and July, 2015, reflecting upon the connection between the poets Oliverio Girondo (1891–1967) and Néstor Perlongher (1949 – 1992). In the introduction it is possible to find the three theoretical guidelines that support the research: from Borges (1951), the tradition of the reader's perspective; from Claudia Lemos (1998), the signification as a reading procedure that contemplates poetry. From Roland Barthes (1973) and Georges Bataille (1957), the relation between the pleasure of reading and erotism as a function that is detached from reproduction. Regarding these notions Perlongher is discerned as Girondo's reader. The option to approach each poet was made from the idea of circulation, Girondo's giros and Perlogher's yiros, which are associated with the Baudelarian flâneur. Such idea is unfolded in three instances, which are, indeed, indivisible: the first one regards the relation of these poets to the city. The second concerns the erotic investment from the persona who “flâneurs”. The third refers to the linguistic procedures that support this theoretical erotic dimension. Thus, one goes to the analysis and comparison of two distinct instances in which Perlongher is acknowledged as Girondo's reader, the first being Girondo's essay "El sexo de las chicas"(1984), and the second being two poems that explicitly mention Girondo: “Anales”, from the book Austria-Hungría (1980) and “El deshollinador”, from Parque Lezama (1990). To sum up, it is observed and commented on how Perlongher makes Girondo yire, i.e., how the first approaches the second and puts him into circulation.