Estéticas afrodiaspóricas na exposição pretatitude: emergências, insurgências e afirmações na arte afro-brasileira contemporânea
This research aims to analyze the visual arts known as "contemporary Afro-Brazilian" through the prism of the African Diaspora. Starting from the following question: How does contemporary Afro-Brazilian art represent the demands of populations constructed as black? I analyzed the exhibition design of the PretAtitude exhibition: Emergencies, Insurgencies, and Affirmations in Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Art, curated by artist Claudinei Roberto da Silva. In this analysis, I sought to highlight the relationship between the Afro-diasporic aesthetics of part of the itinerant exhibitions and their political agency. The objectives were to investigate the catalogs, identifying techniques, themes, and studying the present artists to better understand the aesthetics of each one. Through interviews, I sought to identify how the curator chose the title and what he is referring to with the terms that guide the exhibition. The hypothesis is that, from an artistic perspective and in the exhibition's agenda, we see how Afro-diasporic aesthetics and political agency are connected in a movement to reposition the place of Africa and the contributions of the racialized black population to human history.
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