Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo na educação superior: experiências durante o contexto remoto
Students with Autistim Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often face a series of challenges when entering higher education. These challenges may include difficulties in social interaction and communication, making relationships with colleagues and teachers more complex. The need for consistent and predictable routines can conflict with the flexibility required by university life, which can be challenging for these students. Adapting to different teaching methods, evaluations and course structures can also represent significant obstacles, requiring more personalized support and adapted teaching strategies to ensure the academic success of these students. The objective of this work, as an experience report, was to analyze and describe the experience of accompanying a student with ASD in higher education. Through the autobiographical approach, a detailed analysis of the experiences of a student with ASD was performed when facing higher education during the transition to the remote teaching period, offering a unique view of this new structure, identifying barriers in Access to education, issues of social interaction, adaptation to online teaching methods and the effectiveness of the support offered by the university institution. The study highlights the interaction of the researcher with higher education teachers, challenging the previous perspective that collaborative education would not be applicable in an undergraduate course. This interaction not only refuted this belief, but also opened doors for opportunities for mutual learning, knowledge sharing and improvement of teaching practices. By revealing the viability and benefits of collaborative education in the context of higher education for students with ASD, this work not only offers a personal account, but also contributes to the broader understanding of the importance of the right to academic education of these students. In addition, practical recommendations are presented to improve the educational experience of tea students in the remote context.
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