Agroecologia e construção do conhecimento: um estudo de caso da práxis da Comunidade que Sustenta a Agricultura (CSA) Sorocaba
Agroecology is built on the valorization of knowledge, respectful relationships between all beings, solidarity economy and the focus on conservation and management of biodiverse agroecosystems. Aligned with Agroecology, the global organization Community that Sustains Agriculture (CSA) emerged in the 1960s, which seeks actions of solidarity, collaboration and affection, through the fair marketing of quality food. In recent years, CSA have grown in several Brazilian municipalities, associated with principles that dialogue with agroecology. The central objective of the work is to study the communication strategies and construction of agroecological knowledge that occur through the Community that Sustains Agriculture (CSA) based on the case study of CSA Sorocaba, located in the state of São Paulo. The approach used is action research, using active methodologies, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. As a result, the aim is to systematize the experience, outlining strategies that allow the future exploration of the power of agroecology in the reconstruction of a critical, humane, transformative science aligned with popular principles.
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