Now showing items 1-10 of 788
Análise do desenvolvimento de crianças de um a três anos de idade contaminadas por chumbo.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2005-02-28)
Lead intoxication can damage children development. There are few researches about the effects of lead intoxication on the overall development of young children. The individuals sampled in this study can be considered as ...
As reformas educacionais de Benjamim Constant (1890- 1891) e Francisco Campos (1930-1932) : o projeto educacional das elites republicanas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-08-17)
The study objects of this work are two educational reforms derived from the Public Federal
Administration, namely the Reforms by Benjamim Constant (1890-1891) and Francisco
Campos (1930-1932). Both are characterized by a ...
As imagens multifacetadas da palavra: a literatura na escola.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-11-25)
This research work is a Case Survey, accomplished in Escola Sarapiquá
(Sarapiquá School), located in the city of Florianópolis, in Santa Catarina State.
The school emerged from the concern of a group of parents about ...
Desenvolvimento de um programa educacional de formação continuada: o torna-se educador a partir de reflexões e (trans) formações em busca de melhoria do ensino e da aprendizagem.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-03-09)
The teaching democraticalization by Federal Constitution of 1988 and the
National Education Basis and Guidelined Law 9394/96, provided opportunity
of teaching for all and intensified the need of educational system changes ...
Características da aprendizagem significativa em proposições expressas por escrito pelos alunos do ensino fundamental: um estudo de conceitos químicos proposto a partir de atividades experimentais.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-05-28)
In this study, it was attempted to develop some experimental activities with the
objective of extracting and identifying chemical elements from commercial products of low
cost and easy access. The developing finality of ...
Cultura negra na sala de aula: pode um cantinho de africanidades elevar a auto-estima de crianças negras e melhorar o relacionamento entre crianças negras e brancas?
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-09-30)
The objective of this study was to analize the conceptions of the white children
and the black ones before the black people and their culture, to analize the
characteristics of a project that aims at fighting racism and ...
A organização do processo de trabalho na escola: uma crítica do trabalho pedagógico na formação do trabalhador em saúde
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-03-31)
This study is intended to approach the modifications in the organization of the process of
work, which take place inside school due to the transformations in the world of work. Its
main objective is to set out to investigate ...
Construindo a trajetória docente: os percursos formativos de professores de ciências.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-02-28)
The present study investigated how the Science teachers felt their formation through their personal education and professional lives. If we understand the teacher s formation as a period that comprehend his/her teaching ...
Construção de saberes, criação de fazeres: educação de jovens no hip hop de São Carlos.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-10-22)
This research started on March, 2002, at the Program of Post Graduation in Education (UFSCar) Concentration area: Teaching Methodology. The knowledge s construction presented here has, as co-labors, the youngsters from ...
Colégios jesuíticos no Brasil colonial na produção científica de teses e dissertações
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-04-03)
Educatio iesuitica in Brasilia Colonia parum scrutatum thema ab historiographia educationis quae ei exiguum spatium servat in libris Historiae Educationis. Ea res, autem, dissimilis esse deberet, maxime quia erat periodus ...